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Why the paperless office is a myth!

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Clever.   ;D


The rise of e-readers vexes me greatly ..... there are several works out there that I very much would like to read (Markos Kloos' Terms of Enlistment and Chris Hernandez's Proof of Our Resolve are two I can think of right off the top of my head, but I LIKE dead tree books ......


--- Quote from: JimP on March 25, 2013, 09:30:40 AM --- I LIKE dead tree books
--- End quote ---

You and me both!

DTB also allow me to share them with ever whom I wish, which is usually my son.  AND, they don't require batteries to read, nor an Internet connection.   BUT, the biggest advantage is that the  publisher CANNOT pull them back after you've paid for them, like my son had happen to him with a couple ebooks!  That's right!  He had finished reading them and shortly after he did they "disappeared" from  his Kindle.   

I have a cheap Kindle that has a light extension which lasts about 15 hours.  IF I read only during the day the battery lasts about 25-30 days.  So far, I have 30 books and PDFs on it.  Most are from free sources, and I also have them stored on this laptop. (I would call  it a notebook but it has a 17" display).

One nice advantage of a Kindle reader is that when you turn it on it resumes right where you left off.   The disadvantage is that I bought the cheap one,  so I am nagged to turn it on and connect to the Internet every so often so that more ads can be downloaded and displayed on the "home" page, or when the Kindle is off (which takes no power).


I like DTBs and my kindle.  I like the fact that I can carry a small library of classics very handily.


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