The funny part is, I've never once read about 100 round "clips" in any current gun control discussions anywhere. Of course, "anything over 10" seems to be the focus, but 30-round magazines are what the media has pin-pointed over and over. Soon, some celebrity will poke about the "fanatics" and their 500 round, 1,000 round and even infinite round clips
By the way, I just read this and asked my daughter..."Hey, you know that box thingie you put ammunition in, then slide it up into the gun? What's that called?" First I get this "is my Dad really that dumb look" and she replies..."A...mag-a-zine?" (not stated as a question, but more as contempt lol). I smiled and said Yep, that's it!
I never have liked any of the very few Jim Carrey movies I've seen...