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Need Some New Stuff To Read

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With Grey Geeks post "Why the paperless office is a myth" got me thinking, I need more reading material. With my current gun budget cut pretty slim i need something to do rather than drool over guns i can't afford. Who has read something good?, i haven't read much just some stuff by Jeff Cooper and Massad Ayoob. Who has got some good recommendations, survival and 2nd Amendment oriented of course. Thanks!

Have you read Enemies Foreign and Domestic?


Not exactly RKBA-related, but try "We Meant Well" by Peter Van Buren.  Here's his blog.   The book is both disturbing (in terms of money spent for questionable gain) and very funny in terms of his writing.

Peter was one of the State Department's Foreign Service Officers, working a "provincial reconstruction team" in Iraq.

+1 for Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Great read, but don't put your hat on too tight.  ;)

I don't know if you're into SciFi or not, but John Ringo has an entire series about a carnivorous alien race who invades earth, and humankind eventually battling back and kicking the butt of the entire galaxy.  They're immensely entertaining, if not terribly highbrow.  Plus, Ringo is ex-Army and a gun guy, so it's one of the few series where you'll read about sniping aliens with a .500 Whisper  ;D .  I want one of those some day.

A Hymn Before Battle is the first book, and there are several spinoffs dealing with other side stories besides the main series.

Another great SciFi author (yes, I'm a geek) is Dan Simmons.  Hyperion is the first of a 4 book series and IMO is the best SciFi series ever written, excepting maybe the Dune series by Frank Herbert, and he jumped the shark after the 3rd book or so.


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