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Need Some New Stuff To Read

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--- Quote from: Ghost of the Past on March 25, 2013, 09:48:38 PM ---Enemies Foreign and Domestic?
--- End quote ---

THAT sounds interesting, and somewhat prophetic as well!

--- Quote ---Enemies Foreign And Domestic review in GUNS Magazine, November 2005:
 A stadium massacre leads to the banning of all semi-automatic rifles, the teaser on the jacket reads. But who really fired the fatal shots, and why? The answer, we learn, involves nothing less than a modern day Reichstag fire, engineered and instigated by an evil and ambitious ATF supervisor and his squad of violent agency misfits. The political fallout of the stadium shooting is a national ban on assault weapons. With free rein to create more domestic terror incidents, and with unprincipled politicians and a complicit media, gun owners are easily demonized as a manipulated public demands more security. All Brad Fallon wanted to do was restore his vintage sailboat, Guajira, take his savings from three years of working the ANWR oil fields, and cruise the world. He hadn't counted on his interest and proficiency in shooting being used to entrap him, or being ultimately forced into covert rebellion against rogue federal agents. But back a man into a corner with other men -- all proficient in modern weaponry, and all unbending believers in liberty -- make it clear that you mean to destroy them, and a most dangerous type of resistance is born: a competent one. Author Matthew Bracken has written a thrilling first novel (did I mention this is also a passionate love story?), one that engages, grips and doesn t let up. He avoids the proselytizing that can plague the liberty genre, and delivers a solid, exciting tale with deep and believable characters. Bracken's background with UDT and SEAL Teams, and as the designer/builder of a cutter that he soloed from Panama to Guam, adds credibility to the technical and tactical details he weaves into the plot. I can't wait for the sequel, scheduled for release early in 2006.
-David Codrea, GUNS Magazine --GUNS Magazine, November 2005[/url]

"Fast and Furious" anyone?  It almost worked.

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It's not gun related, but it is a very interesting and mentally challanging read that exercises the mind.  President Lincoln read it by daylight while riding a mule to his next court engagement, and at night by candle light after his roommates had gone to sleep:

It is Euclid's Elements, and it is on Amazon. 
(EDIT: I tried to include the URL to that book but SMF, the forum engine, rejected it as a "trojan attack"!)

Three thousand years ago the mind of man was as bright, if not brighter, as it is today.  Many people think that Newton derived his three laws using his "fluxions" (calculus) but he did not.  He used the Elements.  This is amazing because the rules for calculations to the Greeks was a straight edge without marks and a compass.  With those two devices one can add, subtract, multiply, divide and find square roots, which is all Newton did.  BTW, Newton's Principia is a great read as well.

Dan W:

--- Quote from: GreyGeek on March 26, 2013, 11:01:00 AM ---(EDIT: I tried to include the URL to that book but SMF, the forum engine, rejected it as a "trojan attack"!
--- End quote ---
Actually it is our forum firewall that rejected this Request Entity Attack: %27!

Well most of the BAEN books free cd's are still online at

These are the Free CD's that were inside select Baen hard cover book releases.
They are Free to all as long as you don't charge anything for them.
you can download them in 2 flavors the Full Cd ISO so you can burn your own CD
or the CD Rip file (a Zip file of the whole CD) containing the directorys, books, and images

These contain lots of books from Webber, Drake, Ringo, Flint and other Baen authors. 
Lot's and lot's of good reading all from BAEN books authors.

Titles include:  The Honor Harrington series, the Dahak series, Empire of Man series with John Ringo, the Legacy of the Aldenata series by John Ringo, The Paladin of Shadows series by John Ringo, Voyage of the Space Bubble series by John Ringo, the Ring of Fire Series from Eric Flint, the Belisarius Saga by David Drake,   and other Books by Travis "Doc" Taylor, Tom Kratman, Keith Laumer and Steve White

If you like them please suport BAEN books and buy some.


--- Quote ---it is our forum firewall that rejected this Request Entity Attack
--- End quote ---

Interesting.  I can't even quote your line and leave that "attack code" in it without triggering the firewall.  But,  you can, so your firewall rules must reflect IP and/or user name info or you wouldn't be able to post it either.


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