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Need Some New Stuff To Read

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Dan W:
Yes, admin IP has a pass through setting...

If I could figure out which ones to remove without compromising the firewall, I would remove some of the request entity settings like %26 and %27


--- Quote from: Dan W on March 26, 2013, 01:29:10 PM ---If I could figure out which ones to remove without compromising the firewall, I would remove some of the request entity settings
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I  don't know how much spambot patrolling you have to do, but I have yet to see an errant posting in this forum.  So, either you or your firewall & SMF are doing a good job!   Personally, if it isn't broke I wouldn't fix it!

Dan W:

--- Quote from: GreyGeek on March 26, 2013, 01:44:58 PM ---I  don't know how much spambot patrolling you have to do, but I have yet to see an errant posting in this forum.  So, either you or your firewall & SMF are doing a good job!   Personally, if it isn't broke I wouldn't fix it!
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I cringe though when I see a poster's long post flagged and know it was rejected... I hope at least they had a copy to try and  repost


--- Quote from: Dan W on March 26, 2013, 01:55:43 PM ---I cringe though when I see a poster's long post flagged and know it was rejected... I hope at least they had a copy to try and  repost
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I've  had that happen a couple times.  I was usually able to back up a page and restore what I wrote and the winnow out the offending characters.   That's how I posted that one that was interpreted as escape characters in the Amazon URL link.


--- Quote from: bkoenig on March 25, 2013, 10:02:19 PM ---Ringo
--- End quote ---

Bkoenig, I have to give you a BIG THANK YOU! for turning me on to John Ringo.    :)

I checked out his trilogy (which concludes with "The Hot Gate").   I could not put them down!  I read through the first one yesterday and finished the second one last night at 4AM.  I am into the third right now.   Ringo has replaced Sawyer as my favorite SF author!

There are nearly a dozen Ringo books in the library here.   Looking forward tor reading them all!


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