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Anti-CCW and Pro-CCW businesses listing

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New to NFOA but wanted to let you know Omaha Primary Eye Care 146th and Center in Omaha now has an anti gun sign posted at the front door.


--- Quote from: Eatfat1961 on December 17, 2013, 08:12:09 AM ---When we asked the manager in Costco about their policy, he handed us the policy statement from their website that says you can NOT carry in Costco. When we informed us that they should have a sign on their door stating such, they said they don't have to do that to be able to enforce their policy BECAUSE they are a club store and, therefore, are not a place of "'public accommodation' within the meaning of civil rights laws. The definition of 'public accommodation' does not include a bona fide private club or other establishment that is not in fact open to the public".

They obviously have lawyers too! Costco, in my opinion, is trying to have it both ways here. They have a policy, but REFUSE to post such notification on the front of the store because they KNOW that in this state it would cost them business. I am dumping my Costco membership and joining Sam's Club.

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Good to know....I was considering switching from Sams to Costco.....not now


--- Quote from: Eatfat1961 on December 17, 2013, 08:12:09 AM ---When we asked the manager in Costco about their policy, he handed us the policy statement from their website that says you can NOT carry in Costco. When we informed us that they should have a sign on their door stating such, they said they don't have to do that to be able to enforce their policy BECAUSE they are a club store and, therefore, are not a place of "'public accommodation' within the meaning of civil rights laws. The definition of 'public accommodation' does not include a bona fide private club or other establishment that is not in fact open to the public".

They obviously have lawyers too! Costco, in my opinion, is trying to have it both ways here. They have a policy, but REFUSE to post such notification on the front of the store because they KNOW that in this state it would cost them business. I am dumping my Costco membership and joining Sam's Club.

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Do they sell alcohol?   If so, they cannot charge a membership fee, for alcohol in Nebraska.    Anyone, of legal age, can walk into a Cosco or Sam's Club, and purchase a bottle of wine, without a membership fee. 

This being the case, the premises, is not a private club, and does not benefit from private club status. 

So where does COSTCO stand? Do they need to post a sign or not? I would hate to see anyone get caught and get in trouble for carrying concealed inside based on technicalities. If they don't want folks carrying then we should let as many folks know as possible.

I'm aware this isn't in Nebraska but I believe it's a pretty popular place in Iowa for Nebraska motorcycle riders. The Twisted Tail in BeeBeeTown Iowa now has a sign on the front door stating no firearms. Mods if I'm out of line my apologies.


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