Google is a hard one to get around but when using a search engine I use Duckduckgo, they are gun friendly and don't track your searches.
DuckDuckGo is an awesome search engine. It's only drawback is that it allows for time searches based on "Anytime", "Past day" and "Past week" and "Past Month", but no "Past Year". And, no custom date range. Regardless, they do not track nor keep logs of IP addresses and the searches those IP addresses do. Their results are MUCH better than Google's because unlike Google you don't have to wade through half a page of placed ads before you get to the real search results. And, DuckDuckGo does not use a PC filter.
Chromium (Google's browser) on the other hand, not only tracks you, but it filters and ranks results based on PC criteria. Also, it captures your login names and passwords to EVERY site you visit and log into. I recently closed my Google/YouTube account but before I did I went to "" to see what they had saved about me. I was stunned to see that they also included the password to my wifi not only as a user but also the wifi router admin name and login password!
Google had names and passwords going back ten years, to when I first started using Google and got a gmail account. I went to each and every URL on their list and either deleted my account on those sites or changed the password (while running FireFox), which I have set to "No Tracking". I also don't allow cookies to be saved without my approval for each one. Especially 3rd Party cookies! There are some sites that won't let you access their web pages unless you allow cookies. You ca either allow it and then delete it when you leave the site, or do what I do when I encounter a 'No Guns" sign on a business door, go to the competition.
The latest version of the onion browser, Tor, based on FF but stripped of plugins, add ons and extensions, runs very fast and is very stable. You can click a button while running it and it will change your identity (IP address, user agent and router paths) on the fly. If you run it using firejail or inside a chroot environment you can forget about cookies because when you close the browser the entire environment and all files disappears.