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Author Topic: On The Offensive  (Read 739 times)

Offline farmerbob

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On The Offensive
« on: March 28, 2013, 09:50:25 PM »
We need to kick the ball back to their end of the court.  Clearly, this whole mass shooting debate has been played at the lawful gun owners end of the field, and we have been on the defensive for too long, making us seem heartless and uncaring to the low information voters.  Clearly, all the mass shooters had several things in common, one of which is their love of violent video games and movies.  All of them had some mental issues that could have made them more likely to act out the violence they saw on a daily basis.  It was no help that the media's 24/7 coverage of these events, which could turn a murder into a hero in a sick mind.  If America's Second Amendment supporters would get their own bills to push through the senate, we could get the left on the defensive and look to be uncaring.  A strict 21 age limit on video games and movies that have any violence, they could have a V21 rating.  Obama would fight this with everything he has, since his hand has often been in Hollywood's pockets, and imagine the reaction from Hollywood, who has got a pass on this whole debate so far, when everyone under the age of 21 was off limits for 99% of the movies they put out. 
Just an idea.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good"-- George Washington

Offline altheman2

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Re: On The Offensive
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 10:12:26 PM »
A strict 21 age limit on video games and movies that have any violence, they could have a V21 rating.  Obama would fight this with everything he has, since his hand has often been in Hollywood's pockets, and imagine the reaction from Hollywood, who has got a pass on this whole debate so far, when everyone under the age of 21 was off limits for 99% of the movies they put out. 

Naww...Just simply pointing the finger at something else is not going to solve any problems...just make more enemys to the 2A.  I play all types of video games and watch all types of movies....it doesnt affect my ability to seperate fact from fiction in real life. The Gun doesn't make the killer....Hollywood doesn't make the killer...The killer is his own special breed of evil

Offline farmerbob

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Re: On The Offensive
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 10:47:29 PM »
I couldn't agree with you more but you need to change the statement at the end of your post. It sound like you're pushing for a magazine ban of larger then 8 rounds. Sounds to much like it shouldn't take 10 rounds to kill a deer.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good"-- George Washington

Offline farmerbob

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Re: On The Offensive
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2013, 11:10:27 PM »
The whole V-21 thing doesn't sound any crazier than solving a crime problem by attacking the rights of the lawful.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good"-- George Washington

Offline CliffD

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Re: On The Offensive
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2013, 12:03:24 AM »
Just as a responsible and legal gun owner doesn't go around shooting people, your typical, everyday gamer or movie-goer isn't going to go on a rampage either. But, I do entirely agree with you in that I can't but help think that these types of media surely could affect certain influential minds. Daily doses of infinite "lives" in a video game that has access to a full gamut of weapons, optics and even heavy artillery is pretty impressive. Knowing that if you die, you will quickly re-spawn. Also, you are rewarded for "shooting" other players. Anyone who has ever played COD knows what its like to be at the bottom of the score card and envious of the guy at the top (based on the appropriately named "Kill/Death ratio"). There is no remorse what so ever in shooting another player...and many times a dead soldier can be seen being "tea bagged" by his killer.

In the movies, we all know that a revolver in the hands of the main star can out-shoot an entire platoon of full auto rifles. Whether the main character is a good guy or bad guy, he is a hero...and always gets the girl. He can't die and in those rare cases where he does die, he is made out as a martyr with emotional music and special effects.

You know, I know and a few million other people know that this is literally just a game or literally just a movie. Both are good for our imaginations. But to an influential mind, to what effect does endless life and no remorse start to overwhelm basic morals? Should our Government institute background checks and psychic evaluations before being issued video game purchase permits? Obviously no. To me, that is where "we" are failing. As parents and responsible members of society, we need to insure our kids understand simple values. We need to be involved in their lives and we need to be aware of our kids social behaviors. Thankfully, most of us are on top of this.

I do agree that we should be more on the offensive though, but initially we need to focus on some very simple facts that they cannot dispute. First off, I am all for gun control. I surely don't mind our current gun laws and regulations. I am all for current purchase background checks. I do feel that as citizens we should not be allowed to own full auto rifles. I agree that a more thorough background check and a Purchase Permit is required for handgun purchases. I agree guns should be cased when being transported (CCP exempt of course). In other words, I really don't have any problem with current gun laws.

But, it is fact that our current laws are often not enforced and/or result in no prosecution. It should be proven that no model or type of rifle is any more "deadly' because of its shape or color (side note...as a fledgling historical military rifle collector, I can't help but sometimes chuckle when reading all this hype about the AR-15. I own one, love it and shoot it as often as I can. But man, there are countless times where the real hard-core gun guys would bash this rifle over and over. A few years ago, only the "mall ninjas" were AR fans. Now everyone is! Anyway...). There are many known, proven topics and "bullet points" that we can unite behind and remain focused on. Many of the pro-gun control statements I've heard and read are simply false or intentional misrepresentations. In most cases, these guys have the financial resources to gloss over their uninformed statements and lies. To be honest, that's the only reason they have any chance of success.

As with most things in life, if you stick to the truth, you can prevail. Either way, that's how I'd go down fighting.

Good topic and thank you for bringing it up.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 12:05:29 AM by CliffD »

Offline altheman2

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Re: On The Offensive
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2013, 08:55:46 AM »
ah good catch....i didnt think about it being taken that way...it was actually refering to a quote that was said when me and my friends where shooting M1s the other day

Offline farmerbob

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Re: On The Offensive
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2013, 08:02:20 PM »
Clearly, there is no one single answer, but a lot of contributing factors.  Like a breakdown of the moral fabric of the country, and tearing down of the traditional family and their values, and easy access to violence through movies and video games.  Our school systems took prayer and God out of them, and replaced it with indoctrination of the left's garbage, from global warming to teaching them that the pilgrims are illegal aliens.  When I was in 5th and 6th grade, we were taught gun safety and marksmanship at public school.  Now, you get kicked out if you make a gun with your fingers.  We teach our children driver's safety in school because a car is basically a deadly weapon in untrained hands.  Would it be too much to ask to make gun safety a requirement, instead of ignoring them like they don't exist?
I have witnessed the product of our school systems first hand, at the gun counter at Cabela's.  A couple was looking for a hand gun, the misses looking for a gun to carry in her purse.  I thought more power to her, then I saw her finger on the trigger and I cringed, as did the guy behind the counter.  Then her husband picked up a hand gun, and broke the only 3 remaining gun safety rules.  I thought to myself it would be a lot safer to give a hand gun to a chimpanzee. 
I realize a lot of this boils down to bad parenting, but you can't legislate good parenting.  Hence, we don't trust parents to teach their kids to drive, because too many kids would learn to drive by the school of hard knocks.  And you can't learn a lesson from something you don't survive. 
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good"-- George Washington