* you can prolly use freshly cast bullets without any concern, but a 2 min soak in acetone prolly doesn't hurt
* tray that came with toaster oven or similar, with a sheet of aluminum foil over it
* any aluminum foil will do but nonstick aluminum foil is best, with nonstick side facing bullets
* ground clamp from gun goes on tray / sheet with bullets on it
* you want 1.0 to 2.0 inches between bullets, prolly 1.5 is good.
* rotate the tray a time or two to try to get more complete coverage while coating
* regulator on the tank should be putting out ~20lbs (i think! check prior in thread!)
* regulator on the gun works surprisingly well, too.
* it's messy, especially while learning, don't powder coat on any 'serious' floor
* i used a 3 sided (plus bottom) card board box as a cheap "paint hood" to good success
* don't use a tray or a toaster oven you'll be using for food ever again
* don't use kitchen oven
* don't bake indoors - fumes will kill you (possible exaggeration)
* bake at 400F for 20min
* my coatings are typically on the heavier side (prolly due to inexperience heh) but don't seem to affect things
* i don't pre-size the lead, i size it after baking (and cooling heh)
* i have a couple large plastic store bags that I keep the gun in after use ... cause it will still get powder everywhere when trying to store it etc heh
Most important:
take lots of pics, and post updates to thread!