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Got A New Job As A TSA Agent

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And I said THIS year I wasn't going to be suckered into any A1st pranks. Well played sir...well played.



--- Quote from: OnTheFly on March 31, 2013, 07:16:33 PM ---And I said THIS year I wasn't going to be suckered into any A1st pranks. Well played sir...well played.


--- End quote ---


The instructor had field hockey tickets for some game in NJ, so he filled out a travel voucher for his whole family, and got first class airline tickets on the house, including hotel room accommodations for pilots.    He has worked for TSA about 4 months, so he knows all the little tricks.

Because several of the airport TSA agents went with them, rather than training, we were put in the field for on the job training, first day.   

For heavens sakes, some people sure get rattled when you reach down their pants. 

For the first few months, the new guys get old people, short people, fat people, and such.   One big woman today, shifted a little as I was going in, and I got my arm stuck between her and her machete.  I tried to verify it was ok for to have that, and all my bosses were on break, so I let her go.  Just glad to have my arm back. 

Taking tomorrow off, going to a Lakers game.  Heck, why not?  :laugh:   

Talk like that will get your name put on a list, and you will not be able to pass a background check.
Then you will not even get to keep your "Biden" shotgun.


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