Since the future is always unknown (which is why you carry in the first place), it's always best for you to have control over your weapon. That means carrying it on your person. Even when you're driving. If you keep it in the console, will you leave it there when you go into a quick shop or rest area? If you get into a little fender bender or when you put gas in your car, will you think to put it in your pocket before you get out of your car? If you get in a wreck and are hauled off unconscious, do you want your weapon available to anyone who might reach inside your vehicle? (EMTs know the procedure for dealing with your handgun by the way, if it's on your person.)
If your IWB holster makes you uncomfortable when you drive (as mine does), find a different holster. If you will be wearing a jacket, there is no better holster than a strong side hip holster. Unfortunately, if you wear a vest instead of a jacket, everyone will know you're carrying (that's why vests are called shoot-me-first vests).
Some holsters allow side carry with an untucked shirt of even a sweatshirt or T shirt. The best I've found for that are from a company called Cross Breed ( (I don't have stock in the company or anything by the way.)
Also keep in mind that if you go to a practical pistol competition, everyone (or almost everyone) will be using strong side hip holsters. And in the world of self defense, sometimes quick access does make the difference between life and death, because criminal predators are not always as stupid as we like to think they are, so often people find themselves suddenly in the middle of a life and death struggle before they know what's happening.
Another very good option is the Smart Carry line ( These will allow you to carry something like a Glock compact or subcompact, with an extra full size magazine. Some people find these very comfortable, even while sitting, and the weapon is very accessible. And you don't need a jacket or vest or even a shirt. (I don't have stock in this company either.)
No good reason to leave it in the console in other words. And there are good reasons not to.