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Anyone got a portable pocket dimension creator ?


I actually sat for 5 min deciding if I could buy a cheap table, a 12 ton press and other stuff .... and fit that into half of my living room.

So far, tools and equipment (95% related to reloading and SCIENCE) have taken over 1.5 of the rooms in my apartment and I'm starting to eyeball the living room.  This can't be good :(.

Time for a house with a garage. I couldn't park in my garage for a year due to...stuff...

A dimension creator?

Have you been staying up all night again watching Doctor Who?


The reference was generic, but i do happen to volunteer as staff on a 24/7 Doctor Who legal streaming service ;).

House with a garage is a middle step.... I'd want a full on workshop out back in final rendition (or more than one workshop hehehehe).


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