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Author Topic: "No one wants to take your guns away" Excellent editorial...  (Read 980 times)

Offline metaldoc

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"No one wants to take your guns away" Excellent editorial...
« on: April 03, 2013, 09:12:05 AM »
An excellent editorial in The York News Times...


If you believe that, I've got a bridge that you just have to buy.

I'll even throw in a guarantee for a bridge to nowhere. Because for many on the left, banning gun ownership is the ultimate goal.
It's foolhardy and naïve to believe that the goals of those attacking the Second Amendment are simply attempts at "common sense gun legislation," (a very broad but subjective phrase with a wide array of unconstitutional possibilities).

In fact, numerous attempts to confiscate guns have been made in just the last two months alone.

More at link...

No One Wants To Take Your Guns Away

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: "No one wants to take your guns away" Excellent editorial...
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 10:09:47 AM »
My post on that site, if they approve it.

As you've noticed, ALL of the anti-2nd Amendment groups are Far Left. They call themselves "progressives" but their goals are anything but. A move backwards to Socialist tyranny is not progress.

America is at a crossroads in its political life and future. Equality of opportunity is being replaced by equality of outcome. "Zero tolerance" is the excuse for having zero brains. And even the news outlets are defining what the 1st Amendment means by controlling what words their editors are allowed to use. Thus, "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant" isn't allowed in free discourse anymore if the AP has its way. It is nothing less than an attempt to control the immigration debate by controlling what words can be used to describe the situation. THAT IS NOT FREE SPEECH.

What makes the situation so critical is that the policies of the current administration has been so devastating to jobs and small businesses in this country that many former middle class workers have been driven into poverty and unemployment. So now 48% of the population is receiving food stamps from the government as a result of actions taken by the government. It is Socialism forced down from the top. Dependencies become habits, and the habit of using someone else's money to supply needs will work until someone else runs out of money. Then, we'll learn the meaning of the old proverb the citizens of the USSR used to say, "We pretend to work and the government pretends to pay us". But, while we are pretending to work the government is also dictating where we can work, how much we'll be paid, what we can buy and when, etc. All at the whim of party bureaucrats.

Our elected representatives had to take the oath of office which requires that they "support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that they take this responsibility willingly, without mental reservations or purpose of evasion...".   It is quite obvious that many holding office in Washington, and setting in the legislature in Lincoln, have lied under oath. That is a Class IV felony in Nebraska, but no one seems to be interested in prosecuting the liars and removing them from office.

There are some Democrats who think the Constitution should be scrapped, and said so in the New York Times. Will we be lamenting the passing of the Constitution and saying to ourselves "if only...." while we learn what kind of freedom those in Russia, China, Cuba, Britain and other Socialists states really have?

Offline Waltherfan

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Re: "No one wants to take your guns away" Excellent editorial...
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 12:58:57 PM »
Hey GreyGeek, they posted your reply :-)

Offline RedDot

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Re: "No one wants to take your guns away" Excellent editorial...
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 07:17:47 PM »
+1 for Grey!

Offline bkoenig

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Re: "No one wants to take your guns away" Excellent editorial...
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 12:30:34 PM »
Literally every time I have heard someone say this it has been followed by a list of all the reasons why they think guns should be taken away.