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Author Topic: What are we teaching our children?  (Read 804 times)

Offline DangerousDrummer

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What are we teaching our children?
« on: April 03, 2013, 06:07:20 AM »
This is an excerpt from an email I received from Long Island Firearms Owners Assoc.

You all know we don't just send out emails randomly. This is important.

This is directly effecting one of us!
This is a member of our community (well respected) whom we all know is in trouble.

Please take a moment to visit this thread. Read it and pass it along to EVERYONE!! We cannot stress this enough:
I urge you to forward this and pass this to all media outlets as well.

The actual story:
March 1st was just another day when I put my 10 year old, fourth grade son John on the bus and sent him off to school. Or so I thought. On the contrary, today was the day that my life as a gun owner was about to change, dramatically and rapidly.

Sometime during the day, my son allegedly spoke with a few of his classmates. The boys (excluding my son) were involved in a school yard pushing incident the day before. Two or three of these boys (including my son) were talking about going to the house of the boys that did the pushing. These boys were to take with them a water, paint and bb gun. Word of this got to the principal. She immediately interrogated the children. I received a call from the principal advising me of this just as my son got off the bus. She also advised me that my son was to be suspended for two days because of his words. She decided that this talk amongst students warranted filing a police report. If this wasn't bad enough, the police were sent to my residence and I was advised that my guns may be taken from me. This can't be happening, I thought. But it was.

The following Monday I received a call from Pistol Licensing that they would be at my residence in the morning to take my guns and suspend my license. I attempted to explain that this must be a mistake, no wrong doing occurred on my part. My son has no access to any of my guns. The officer that came to my residence saw that all my guns were secured.Pistol Licensing was not interested in my side of the story. They were only interested in what happened with my ten year old son in school.

If you think this can't happen to you, you are wrong. It is happening every day here in American.
Kids get suspended from school and the aftermath can be as ugly as my situation.

When will my license be restored? What is involved? What is the cost? These are all questions that I had. Some still remain unanswered. The few answers I have are not at all comforting. According to the police, I can expect to have my license restored when my son is an adult and moves out of my residence. If I don't want to wait that long I can file an Article 78 and request that my license be reinstated. The cost, so far, about $6,500 monetarily. Emotionally, the cost is far, far higher. That can't be calculated. All my handguns are gone, my license is suspended and my long arms are out of the house waiting to be sold at a local store."

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Re: What are we teaching our children?
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 07:18:18 AM »
Registration -> confiscation.


Sounds like yet another court case :(


poor guy :(
hoppe's #9 is not the end all be all woman catching pheramone people make it out to be ... cause i smell of it 2 or 3 times a week but remain single  >:D

Offline abbafandr

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Re: What are we teaching our children?
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 07:39:44 AM »
This is another way gun control will come in.  They are being so anal about references to guns and punishing kids (and adults) so severely it will terrify kids of guns.  After a few years of this brain washing they will have a substantial majority of voters so anti gun a simple ballot initiative will effectively disarm us >:D

Offline Lorimor

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Re: What are we teaching our children?
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 07:51:56 AM »
Thank you NEA.
"It is better to avoid than to run; better to run than to de-escalate; better to de-escalate than to fight; better to fight than to die. The very essence of self-defense is a thin list of things that might get you out alive when you are already screwed." – Rory Miller

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: What are we teaching our children?
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 11:25:38 AM »
Thank you NEA.

You are more accurate than you may realize.

I taught for 10 years at the Clarks Public Schoolx, a K-12 school 10 miles west of Central City on hiway 30.  It was where I was a deputy marshal.   For nine of those ten  years I was the principal negotiator for the Clarks chapter of the NEA.   Among other things my job was to represent teachers who were threatened with dismissal by the school board.   A first year art teacher, fresh out of  college and  with a wife and family, was informed that his contract would not be renewed.  Now, in Nebraska school boards have the right to  fire a teacher without having to show cause and for any reason whatever during the first two years of a teacher's employment with the school.   This teacher's "crime" was that he had long hair.  In fact, with his beard (before he shaved it off) he looked like Jesus as portrayed in 1979 "The Jesus Movie".  Check at around 58 seconds.
Most of the time the board members are reasonable and often back out of what is a clear "knee jerk" reaction if they are given an opportunity to do so without losing face.  But, this teacher looked too much like a hippy (my Jesus comparison didn't work) and they were sure he was going to corrupt their children's moral and political values.  After all, wasn't he teaching them how to draw human forms?  The next thing you know he be showing them how to draw nudes!

Well, I finally got them to agree to an outside arbitration with a representative of the NEA from the Lincoln head office.  The guy came and immediately asked for a closed executive session.  After 30 minutes he came out and announced that John had lost his job but the school board agreed to replace the history and civics books with the "Education 2000" series. (This happened around 1979.)  I wasn't aware of what that series was about, and did some research.   It turns out that by being afraid of a kid with long hair the board jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.  The editorial board of the books included people who were known "Progressives", and the psychiatric advisor was one who had stated that "religion  is a mental disease and Christian parents should not be allowed to teach their children anything, much less religion, and leave their education and moral upbringing totally to the public schools.  The themes in the material included the now familiar "dead white guys" complaint about  who (DEWMs) wrote the Constitution, etc....  The series was essentially a Marxist propaganda tool.   

We can now see the results.  Most high  schools graduates today have very little understanding of our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  They do not understand the separation of powers principle,  or the roles defined in the constitution for the three branches of our government.  And, based on their voting records in the last 20 years, neither do most of Congress or the Senate or the President, or if they understand it their votes show they disagree with it.

BTW, John was a wonderful person with a high moral character and was an excellent artist.  His primary reason  for accepting a job at Clarks was so that he could get close to nature with his art.  I lived 5 miles outside of Clarks, in the country, 1/2 mile from the Platte River, and hunted and fished both for fun and to put food on the table.  John lived a further 2 miles west of me and even closer to the river.  All the kids loved him except for one, a child of a board member who didn't get an A  in art.

This article sums it up  nicely: http://adinakutnicki.com/2012/08/07/barack-hussein-obamas-deconstruction-plans-green-wise-via-the-economy-disarming-the-citizens-via-gun-control-connecting-the-dots-addendum-to-the-second-term-plans-of-an-obama-presidency-c
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 01:09:40 PM by GreyGeek »