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Author Topic: GSSF match - Grand Island June 8th and 9th  (Read 1216 times)

Offline Chris Z

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GSSF match - Grand Island June 8th and 9th
« on: April 09, 2013, 01:19:04 PM »
The Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) will be in Nebraska for the 5th Annual "Cornhusker Classic" Glock match.

Match will be held at the Heartland Shooting Park - Grand Island Nebraska

Pre-registration is highly recommended.   www.gssfonline.com

You must be a member (or join) GSSF to shoot in this match. There are a few benefits to membership which you can read about on the GSSF website, but to me one of the greatest benefits is that you can show up to the match with your Glock pistols and have a Factory Armorer (who works for Glock Inc direct) inspect your pistol free of charge. If any parts are worn or need to be replaced, they will do so FREE OF CHARGE! If someone goober'd up your Glock pistol with any aftermarket parts, they will remove those and replace them with factory parts free of charge as well.

Divisions you can shoot in:

Amateur Civilian- for any Stock Glock pistol..... (Master class shooters are not allowed to enter)
Amateur Guardian- Law Enforcement officers, Firefighters, Military
Competition Class- For longside models (G34/35/24/17L) and the "C" (Compensated) pistols
SubCompact Class- For the baby Glocks G26/27/29/33/30/36/38/39
Major SubCompact- For the baby Glock .45 and 10mm models
Heavy Metal Class- For the Glock .45 and 10mm models
Master Stock Class - For Master Class shooters (Amateurs are also allowed to enter)
Master Unlimited Class- For Race guns, comps, optical sights, etc.....

Cost $25 per division to enter. Glock gives away prize guns, cash, knives, memberships, etc....... Both for performance AND by random drawing. The more people who come, the more prizes that are given away.

You can see a complete version of the rules here:



Now, if anyone would like to join and work as a Range Officer either or both days, please shoot me an email and I will put you on the list. Glock give out a small gift for each day that you work the match, and Glock gives away a Glock pistol via random drawing to those who work as Range Officers. The more you work, the more chances you are entered to win. IF we exceed the number of guns registered for this years match vs. last years match, Glock will give away TWO random RO guns!!! All the more reason to recruit other fellow shooters to come out and try the match.

You do not have to be a "certified RO" to work this match..... There will be plenty of experienced RO's there on staff to help you learn the ropes and plenty of things to do such as scorekeeping, squadding up competitors, etc...