General Categories > Laws and Legislation

Concealed Handgun Permit Question

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The Supersaver on 48th and O Street does NOT have a sign prohibiting Concealed Carry,BUT there is a US Bank inside Super Saver.Is this considered a Financial Institution as defined by 018.01G and can't carry inside the Super Saver Building?The US Bank is opened to the rest of the store.

No,  LB430 covered this issue.  As long as you do not enter the bank "part".

Thank you bullit.I appeciate your quick reply.

armed and humorous:
I just now saw this post, and wondered the same thing when I first started carrying with my permit.  I never knew the official answer (maybe there was none then), but I just avoided that part of the store and didn't worry about it too much.  It's nice to know, though.

armed and humorous:
For curiosity sake, though.  Just how does 430 clarify that question?  I didn't find anything in it that would have.


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