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Author Topic: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....  (Read 1154 times)

Offline GreyGeek

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that high capacity magazines can be used only once, "then they run out of bullets  and can't be reused."

Her display of ignorance is colossal, but it also speaks to what her intent was.  Circumvent the 2A by cutting off components that make exercise of the 2A possible.

Offline SS_N_NE

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 06:03:22 PM »
Exactly. This is her rebutal at the Denver Post (will not visit that website again).

"While those who currently have high-capacity magazines would be able to keep them and reuse them if they wished, they would not be able to purchase new high-capacity magazines or transfer them to others. The availability of these assault magazines to criminals and the mentally ill would thus be greatly reduced over time.

These are the facts, pure and simple."

I fail to understand how these politicians believe that criminals and the mentally ill will somehow follow the law and not find a way to do as they choose.

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 06:04:09 PM »
For reasons beyond my capacity to understand, it seems to be a long standing assumption by many (I for one never being among them) that elected officials (note I no longer call them elected leaders) possess some higher form of intellect upon winning election to higher office.  These nut jobs in CO are proof-positive.  As an aside, anybody else think the Unicameral is a little more "Left" leaning this session?

Offline RLMoeller

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2013, 07:13:21 PM »
As an aside, anybody else think the Unicameral is a little more "Left" leaning this session?


Offline RedDot

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2013, 09:57:47 PM »
You can write Colorado off as a lost cause, the numbers in the Denver/Boulder area have and will continue to overwhelm the rest of the state.  Scary as it sounds, Colorado could become the first case of federal intervention if LEO's in outlying areas don't toe the progressive line.  Hate to sound paranoid but what I'm hearing from family is that they are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Offline kozball

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2013, 10:28:36 PM »
You can write Colorado off as a lost cause, the numbers in the Denver/Boulder area have and will continue to overwhelm the rest of the state. 

Perfect example of why we need to get rid of the Electorial College winner takes all and go to Election by Majority of Congressional Districts. Nebraska and Maine allready alot votes that way.
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Offline JimP

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2013, 08:48:47 AM »
You can write Colorado off as a lost cause, the numbers in the Denver/Boulder area have and will continue to overwhelm the rest of the state.  Scary as it sounds, Colorado could become the first case of federal intervention if LEO's in outlying areas don't toe the progressive line.  Hate to sound paranoid but what I'm hearing from family is that they are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

CO has gone Blue/Progressive due to an influx of "Snowflakes" for the West Coast, who, having fouled their nest out there with over-regulation, a socialist welfare state and the high taxes to make those thing possible, have proceeded over the last 30 years to turn the Front Range into the same nestfull of guano they fled ...... add in the hordes of new "citizen" anchor babies raised on .gov benefits voted for by these "The Government CAN Fix It" Progrssives, and you have a Socialist Majority.

A good long time ago, the Larimer County Sherriff wrote an essay for the folks moving into Colorado, titled "The Code of the West" ...... the first time I read it, I thought: "Duh: "If you build your house where a stream used to be, sooner or later, there will be a stream where your house used to be." ........ "Law Enforcement and EMS response times can be long in rural areas- take care of yourself, as you are likely the only one who will be there in an Emergency"...... 

I daresay that such would not be considered friendly advice these days on the Front Range: such common sense ideas have since been codified into zoning regulations, City Ordinances and Subdivision/Neighborhood Ass'n Covenants ...... and all this regulation has to have Enforcement, and that has to be paid for: higher Taxes.

The next Question: Where will these Snowflakes flee to next?  Don't say WY (Jackson Hole is full of them!), or TX (Austin)? ......  My brother is saying he is going to leave CO fo Kansas ..... I don't think it will do him any good, as the Progressives are well on their bankrupting Colorado, both fiscally and morally ...... they will soon follow.

"Evil is not overcome by fleeing from it."

The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2013, 09:24:14 AM »
While I was working at the Neb. Dept. of Revenue one  of my responsibilities was writing software and managing the database for the Homestead program.

Before the housing bubble collapse I noticed a trend.  Folks in California were selling homes there for $500K or more, taking the cash and coming back east to Nebraska. (Obviously a lot of them stop in Colorado).  Here they would by a home equal to or better than their CA home for $150K - $250K and then invest and live on the rest. Part of homestead requirements were to post the income tax returns to  prove that you were within an income range that would allow partial or complete dismissal of your property taxes.  Houses that cost $100K here were selling for $500K in CA.   

As a programmer I also noted that while programmers in CA were making $100K a year, many were living in their car or van, or at homeless shelters, or in more affordable housing 100 miles away and commuting.  When taxes and the cost of living makes you a pauper even though you are earning $100K/yr it is time to move or change things.  They can't change things because too many people are on the government gravy train and will never vote to cut their "entitlements".

Offline CliffD

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Re: The idiot who helped pass the Colorado Anti-2A law thinks ....
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2013, 10:27:17 AM »
I saw the same thing GG. Several years ago, our Company bought a smaller manufacturing Company in the Napa Valley area. I was sent out afterwards to take inventory, etc. I got to know the guys who worked there and of course had access to all their accounting details. Eventually, I started sensing the cost of living in that area and was shocked to find that most every employee was making $14 to $17 an hour. During all my time there, I thought, man, this place is beautiful! I would have loved to live around all the scenery and gorgeous weather. I started looking into housing and honestly, the cheapest place I found was $300,000 for a fixer upper lol. I wondered how people could even afford to live there? I eventually found out that most of the guys were working 3 jobs...full time at our Company and two part time jobs afterwards and on the week-ends.

At the time, I was a pretty naive Mid-West guy and wasn't aware of the political climate in California. But even that aside, I knew enough to figure out why live in paradise if you're stuck indoors working or sleeping 24/7?