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See Who Has Been Arrested

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A guy that has done drywall work for me over the years is listed for theft.

Eric, you are getting stupid in your old age or what ?

Do you know any people in this list of mug shots ?

Huge list, goes on forever, all in full color.

Murder, arson, theft, assault, bunch of nice folks.

Guess it is a good idea to have a CHP, and keep a gun close most always.

NE Bull:
But Gary how did yo find this, because we all know that Nebraska's media outlets would never post folks' information without a good reason.
I mean as interesting as it was to go thru the mugshots, does it really serve a purpose to be online as such.  All that info is available should someone want to take the time to look it up.

Innocent until proven guilty (or someone sees your mug shot)

I was looking on-line for weather radar and saw mugshots heading on 7 "s app

Also learned looking for weather, 4 Omaha police got fired or headed towards that end.

So we have violent criminals in our communities, but we fire 4 trained police officers, for being too ruff.  How is that going to work?

Here is my drywall guy, mug shot #35.  Theft by deception, whatever that is. 

Lets play a little game, guess what these guys were booked on?


--- Quote from: Gary on April 09, 2013, 11:00:32 AM ---Here is my drywall guy, mug shot #35.  Theft by deception, whatever that is. 

--- End quote ---

28-512. Theft by deception.

A person commits theft if he obtains property of another by deception. A person deceives if he intentionally:

(1) Creates or reinforces a false impression, including false impressions as to law, value, intention, or other state of mind; but deception as to a person's intention to perform a promise shall not be inferred from the fact alone that he did not subsequently perform the promise; or

(2) Prevents another from acquiring information which would affect his judgment of a transaction; or

(3) Fails to correct a false impression which the deceiver previously created or reinforced, or which the deceiver knows to be influencing another to whom he stands in a fiduciary or confidential relationship; or

(4) Uses a credit card, charge plate, or any other instrument which purports to evidence an undertaking to pay for property or services delivered or rendered to or upon the order of a designated person or bearer (a) where such instrument has been stolen, forged, revoked, or canceled, or where for any other reason its use by the actor is unauthorized, or (b) where the actor does not have the intention and ability to meet all obligations to the issuer arising out of his use of the instrument.

NE Bull:
I won't post the pic- but the only one I knew, is an Eagle Scout, former Scout Leader, pushed to the breaking point by a vindictive Ex-Wife.  ( that's still the story I'm sticking with)


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