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See Who Has Been Arrested

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There's this link as well for the capitol city folk:


--- Quote from: zofoman on April 09, 2013, 05:30:09 PM ---There's this link as well for the capitol city folk:

--- End quote ---

Seems by in large, the Lincoln mug shots are for mostly being misfits, and doing minor stuff wrong, where the Omaha group is working at getting into trouble a little harder, murders, kidnapping, rape.   

Sure glad my Mom made me put back that bubble gum when I was 4. 


--- Quote ---we fire 4 trained police officers, for being too ruff. 
--- End quote ---

As I understand it (I was not there), the use of force is not the issue, but "obstruction of justice" and destruction of evidence- the citizen's (innocent or not) cell phones "disappeared"...... seems to me that some Officers did not like being vidoed, so they took the phones.

NE Bull:

--- Quote from: zofoman on April 09, 2013, 05:30:09 PM ---There's this link as well for the capitol city folk:

--- End quote ---
Too bad the Urinal Star wants me to pay to see their crap. :(


--- Quote from: NE Bull on April 09, 2013, 07:32:30 PM ---Too bad the Urinal Star wants me to pay to see their crap. :(

--- End quote ---

It is free on my computer.


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