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See Who Has Been Arrested

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I think we need to remember - innocent until proven guilty.  Remember the guy in Bennet, his picture was posted in the arrest section.  Now, I do believe there is at least one repeat offender in the crowd.


--- Quote from: sidearm1 on April 09, 2013, 03:44:59 PM ---I think we need to remember - innocent until proven guilty.  Remember the guy in Bennet, his picture was posted in the arrest section.  Now, I do believe there is at least one repeat offender in the crowd.

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Valid point, which I also made.  And clearly, most all of them seem far from hardened criminals, by their more than friendly photographs.  wOw!

Repeat offender?  One guy is listed as 8 times DWI.    He is never going to play by societies rules, so what has to be done with people like that?

In England, some time back, 70's, they made DWI offenders paint their car bumpers like a barber pole, so people would know to watch out for them. 


Thank you CitizenClark for providing the "rest of the story" The article i found really didnt say much.


--- Quote from: CitizenClark on April 09, 2013, 04:04:54 PM ---You are right about there being violent criminals in our communities. Some of them even wear uniforms!

Not to get in the way of your cop-worship, but the "4 trained police officers" who were "too ruff" brutally beat a guy after responding to a parking violation. One of the villains attacked the victim from behind, and took him to the ground, then the other three ganged up on him and they continued using physical violence against him after he was restrained. The crooks then pursued and threatened their victim's brother, who valiantly attempted to come to his sibling's aid. Oh, and then they tried to destroy the evidence of their violent crime.

Luckily, a heroic neighbor videorecorded the whole incident, otherwise the brothers would be the ones facing continued harassment from the cops and their co-conspirators at the county attorney's office. Thankfully, the public release of the video was enough to shame the powers that be into taking remedial action against the assailants.

Defensive force would have been lawful in this case in response to the excessive force from police, and frankly I think that if you are being badly beaten in the street by four armed gang members in their gang colors you would be justified in using deadly force to defend yourself. Likewise, a third party would have been acting meritoriously in using force to defend the victim against these pieces of human excrement.

Incidents like this are the reason that the 2nd Amendment exists, in my opinion.

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You sure know everything about it, don't you.  I bet you wouldn't mind living next to those model citizens in that neighborhood.  Where is the cop worship in this thread?  Its just something you imagined due to your hatred for the police.  You have no room to talk after you brandished your firearm in a road rage incident in your other thread.  Fortunately for you the other driver got scared and drove off,  and someone didn't have a camera at the time and called the police so you didn't get charged with terroristic threats.


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