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Top DHS checkpoint refusals

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--- Quote from: GreyGeek on April 11, 2013, 11:46:02 PM ---With all that torque, what do you get with that, about 30 mph in first gear?  :D

Really, what is the milage that you get pulling that mobile home with a semi-tractor?

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I had the engine detuned because I pull 20,000 pounds rather than 80,000 pounds, so I get better mileage but not much better. it does about 7 mpg.   the doubling of diesel fuel prices has cut way back on my using the rig much.

I vote for an NFOA road trip.  Think of all the guns and rednecks we could pile in that thing!

The first guy (is a pastor) in that video successfully defended his constitutional rights many times but also got taser and the crap beat out of him for not complying to a INS checkpoint. He won the court case but it took years.


--- Quote from: wusker on April 12, 2013, 01:37:27 PM ---The first guy (is a pastor) in that video successfully defended his constitutional rights many times but also got taser and the crap beat out of him for not complying to a INS checkpoint. He won the court case but it took years.

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He found a better way to get through the Nazi checkpoints:

Worked beautifully,  and didn't get the crap beat out of him.  Of course,  if the "Progressives" get their way that approach could be more dangerous than being belligerent because he'd be guilty of being "exclusive" for not mentioning Islam, or Buddhism, or Judaism, or ...


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