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Why I want to cry - or high blood pressure!

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--- Quote from: NE Bull on April 14, 2013, 09:12:55 AM ---Yes, Agreed, I was giving the short version.  There  is also the part where we throw a bunch of $&!t away that we will end up needing next month.  And signs and stickers and tape, Oh My.  Ya gotta throw some tape on the floor (or desk or ???) around a random item and don't forget to label it, For goodness sake I might have not realized it was a trash can.  ;) Oh Crap, forgot to take a before picture, so stage a mess, take a picture, then pick the mess back up, take another picture and fill out the project form so you get credit (Brownie Points  :kiss: ) 

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We just had a Major 5S in our lab at work. The guy who fixes all the insturments was just walking around in a panic because they were moving all his stashes of spare parts and throwing away tons of stuff. Nobody can find anything because they moved everything. Now they are going back and labeling and taping around insturments like they are crime scene investigators. They had to move the boxes of rubber gloves about 4 times, each size is in it's own drawer, then they reversed themselves and put the sizes in a different order. I am thinking WTF??
The only time we could do any samples is when they went to lunch, and the pictures, Oh My, they take a picture of everything, probably to show at their 5S way to go meeting where they will all get prizes.
I guess I should be more engaged and volunteer for this kind of thing, but I am more the type to get my work done and get the heck out of there.
OK second rant over.


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