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Why I want to cry - or high blood pressure!

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That is a miserably messy workplace.  My boss gives me a hard time about my lab bench, but your machine shop takes that to a whole different level...

Every drill press you pictured had a chuck, unless you meant chuck key?   ;D

I keep my shop the exact opposite; a place for everything and everything in its place. Clean up every mill or lathe spotless at the end of each day. I get very irritated to come in and find that someone has used equipment (99% of time drill press) and left chips on the floor and equipment and it happens way too often.

NE Bull:
Sounds like ya'll need a visit from the 5S Squad.  (What is that? Essentially a fancy, production facility, term for PICK YER S&!T UP! 


--- Quote from: NE Bull on April 13, 2013, 08:16:43 PM ---Sounds like ya'll need a visit from the 5S Squad.  (What is that? Essentially a fancy, production facility, term for PICK YER S&!T UP! 

--- End quote ---

We have 5S at my work, to me it means "lets move $hit because we can" because wherever it was before is stupid.
It's just a bunch of people, getting out of their normal work to come and rearrange and then get free lunch...
OK rant over, Greg

NE Bull:

--- Quote from: greg58 on April 13, 2013, 11:41:44 PM ---We have 5S at my work, to me it means "lets move $hit because we can" because wherever it was before is stupid.
It's just a bunch of people, getting out of their normal work to come and rearrange and then get free lunch...
OK rant over, Greg

--- End quote ---
Yes, Agreed, I was giving the short version.  There  is also the part where we throw a bunch of $&!t away that we will end up needing next month.  And signs and stickers and tape, Oh My.  Ya gotta throw some tape on the floor (or desk or ???) around a random item and don't forget to label it, For goodness sake I might have not realized it was a trash can.  ;) Oh Crap, forgot to take a before picture, so stage a mess, take a picture, then pick the mess back up, take another picture and fill out the project form so you get credit (Brownie Points  :kiss: ) 


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