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It's a sad day.... no more coffee :(

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I read this rather interesting article today and wanted to post it here to share with you all. I did a quick search in case someone else had already posted it...and this thread came up.

I hope the caffeine kick is going well, but read this just in case! You may want to stop and get a can of Folgers on the way home tomorrow! :)

Seriously though, this is some pretty scarey stuff. What's next? Smoking? PMS? Credit Rating?


--- Quote from: CliffD on June 03, 2013, 10:50:42 PM ---I read this rather interesting article today and wanted to post it here to share with you all. I did a quick search in case someone else had already posted it...and this thread came up.

I hope the caffeine kick is going well, but read this just in case! You may want to stop and get a can of Folgers on the way home tomorrow! :)

Seriously though, this is some pretty scarey stuff. What's next? Smoking? PMS? Credit Rating?

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Hmmmmm, mental disorder? Just another reason to take our guns.

Got to work this morning, everyone else beat me there and the coffee pot was empty.  I made a new pot and then got tied up on something while it was brewing.  Walked back over 30 minutes later and it was empty again.  It has not been a good morning.


--- Quote from: bkoenig on June 04, 2013, 12:27:09 PM ---it was empty again. 

--- End quote ---
Looks like someone needs to learn how to make a pot of coffee...  You take the last cup !  You make a pot !


--- Quote from: UPCrawfish on June 04, 2013, 12:38:28 PM ---Looks like someone needs to learn how to make a pot of coffee...  You take the last cup !  You make a pot !

--- End quote ---

I learned that by the time I was 10 :/


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