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Good West Omaha Mechanic?

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Any members own or work at a mechanic shop in West Omaha? If not, does anyone know of a good mechanic on the west side of town? I'm looking for a place to do maintenance and repairs on my small fleet of work vans and cars. Looking to avoid dealer rates.


Williamson Automotive, is  an honest guy who does great work.  He is west of 144th  and south of industrial rd.  tell him I sent ya! He is a gun guy too!


--- Quote from: Wilson on April 26, 2013, 04:41:30 PM ---Williamson Automotive, is  an honest guy who does great work.  He is west of 144th  and south of industrial rd.  tell him I sent ya! He is a gun guy too!

--- End quote ---

Ha! He's literally right across the street from my shop. What's your first name, Wilson? I'll tell him you sent me.

Yep...first name is Wilson.  :D

Thanks for the recommendation.  I talked to Jesse today.  We had a van that wouldn't start this morning and he's going to get to it this afternoon.


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