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I said goodbye to the Modern Muzzleloader forum today.

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I just un-registered myself from the Modern Muzzleloader site. It was very informative up to a point. Any discussion of the making of black powder became forbidden "in view of recent events". While I was not participating in the thread, I am always interested in building anything. I consider black powder to be as important to a muzzleloader as the gun itself and could no longer stand the continued "edits" by the moderators when they felt someone had crossed the line concerning the making of black powder. They even claimed that they had edited out portions of a post because it had mentioned an ingrediant purchased at Lowes.

This is the very acceptance of the abuse of the Constitution that is causing a lot of unrest. It is not only the government and media that are attempting to take control of our first amendment rights, but the very people that depend on those rights in order to operate a web site have sensored themselves out of fear, or they believe in the progressive attitude that "we know what is best for you so we will control everthing you say and do".

The ModernMuzzleloader web site had all of the normal legal disclaimers that would limit their liability, and there are plenty of sites that discuss making black powder without apparant hassle. In addition, the Boston A$$holes did not make black powder, they bought large firecrackers. So what is next, we don't allow discussion of fireworks? Ban the the Fourth of July?  If we follow this path the terrorists have won. They want to change us, and it is easy for them because we have become such sheep, we are changing ourselves!

Agreed could not have said it better. When muslims can say death to America and not be put on a terrorist watch list but a Christian with a gun saying protect our freedoms can. Something is way out of whack and needs to be done. Oops that probably puts me on a stupid government list.


--- Quote from: 2guns on May 02, 2013, 07:40:09 AM ---Agreed could not have said it better. When muslims can say death to America and not be put on a terrorist watch list but a Christian with a gun saying protect our freedoms can. Something is way out of whack and needs to be done. Oops that probably puts me on a stupid government list.

--- End quote ---

Welcome, we're on the same list!  :angry:

It's already being done and folks are being good about it, but remember etiquette about not bashing another forum.

I'm sorry the musket forum went the route they did.  Black and red powder are relatively easy to make, the information is everywhere, and it can be done safely and handled safely.  I'm sorry they caved to political pressure nonsense.... especially given their forum topic :(.  Hope they come back around soon.

Dunno if we have much in the way of black powder here... I know I've never shot one that I can recall.

Maybe others can sound off if they do black powder stuff ?

The black powder rifles are fun to shoot. I am not into the historical part of it so I have an inline. Easy to load and very simple. Since it is simple it was the testing ground for my first cast bullets and powder coating. A muzzle loader is considerably more forgiving than my SOCOM and not as likely to blow my arm off. It launches a bullet fine with a 2/3 load so I stay well within the safe range, whereas my AR has to have enough load to cycle and can overpressure real fast.


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