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Author Topic: Ben Stoeger/Matthew Mink 2-Day USPSA Competition Shooting AAR  (Read 843 times)

Offline camus

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  • Join Date: Feb 2012
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Thought I would just write up some general thoughts, maybe a few others that took it could chime in as well. I will attempt not to ramble and remain coherent so bear with me if  you want to wade through it.

First off:

I thought I might be a little over my head taking this class and may have had been, but Matt and Ben were very accommodating and very personable. It was rather amazing the stuff they could identify as I was shooting, they knew it before I did been there before and offered solutions.


This class was as the title suggests setup for competition shooting. The first day focused on doing drills of mini scenarios one would encounter as part of a typical stage at a match. For myself, this was the meat of the class, it got me to push myself and get instant feedback from the instructors. Splits / transitions, footwork, and gun handling, left me a lot to think about and gave me a direction to improve those skills.


We started with a simulated match, broken into two groups with a little commentary from the instructor you were with on the stage with. This part incorporated a lot of questions from Matt and Ben, why you did what you did on each stage, then we broke lunch. After lunch we started to look at how we shot each stage despite the gale force winds. Then we broke out and shot the stages / parts of the stages again, but with discussion. This was cool, more thought in stage theory than I could imagine. We shot with movement, then drilled with movement and discussed the advantages of such.

All in all I really enjoyed the class, learned much and would like to take it again in year as I process all that I learned.