He did think we had 52 states.
Probably still does, and probably doesn't care. After all, the administration keeps saying, and the LSM media keeps faithfully propagandizing, that Tripoli was "too far away" to send help. The C-130 would "need tanker support". The MNM is NOT too stupid to know how to factcheck, and they probably know what anyone who can use Wikipedia and read State Dept announcements would know:
1) The range of a C-130 is 2,300 miles.
2) Tripoli is only 407 miles from Benghazi
3) Therefore, a refueling tanker is not necessary
4) A C-130 would take one hour and 15 minutes to reach Benghazi from Tripoli
5) The attacks went on for EIGHT hours.
6) Special Forces had left their barracks and were crossing the airfield to the C-130 when State Department Officials ORDRED them to "stand down".
1) The media knows everything I've printed above yet continues to preach the Administration line, ergo, they are nothing less, nor more, than an arm of White House Information.
2) Point #1 effectively reduces the Obama presidency to an affirmative action program in which the media are acting as if he is not smart enough to be the president, or hold onto his office, without their help.
3) Both the President and the LSM media are pushing America as hard as they can toward their Socialist idea of " human rights and social justice in a peaceful and just world". If their actions would only match their words.
Pres. Obama is obviously smarter than many give him credit. This leaves only one conclusion: The LSM media and Obama are conspiring together to bring our country down ASAP. A review of all of his official and unofficial acts since he took office, and before as a Senator, leads to the conclusion that his decisions are always against America's friends, for America's enemies, against free enterprise and for socialization of America, leading US to the "new world order" under Socialism.