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Ohio Police Drop Ball In Missing Girls Cases



With so many clues, and so many girls vanishing from one neighborhood, the police really messed up, IMHO. 

One girl, was the best friend of the molesters daughter.  Artist sketch looks like him.  Calls about women in attic windows, when no woman lives in the house.  Call about three woman in chains, nude in back yard.

The police in this town, should hang their head in shame, for not pushing this over the weeks, months, years, decade. 

50,000 people vanish every year in this country.  How many of them are chained in basements around our neighborhoods, and no one puts the pieces together?


If anyone hasn't listened to the Charles Ramsey 911 call, you really should do yourself a favor and do so.

It's got a fair amount of 4 letter words in it... but.... I swear this tape is destined to become a national treasure. 

And don't listen to a censored version, the full thing in tact is really required.


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