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Talking points?


Why does our government need talking points? What is wrong with the truth? At least I am smart enough to know that...

Talking Points = Lets get our lies straight before anybody says anything.


--- Quote from: DangerousDrummer on May 11, 2013, 11:43:54 AM ---Why does our government need talking points? What is wrong with the truth? At least I am smart enough to know that...

Talking Points = Lets get our lies straight before anybody says anything.

--- End quote ---
There is nothing wrong with "talking points" in and of themselves.   All they do is provide quick concepts and reminders for people to get ideas across.  They are a tool to help people communicate.   Staff people use them to summarize and distill key points for their boss.

The trick is to make sure they are true, just like any other communication method.  It's not the medium but the message that's the problem right now.


--- Quote from: Bucket on May 11, 2013, 02:41:56 PM ---There is nothing wrong with "talking points" in and of themselves.   All they do is provide quick concepts and reminders for people to get ideas across.  They are a tool to help people communicate.   Staff people use them to summarize and distill key points for their boss.

The trick is to make sure they are true, just like any other communication method.  It's not the medium but the message that's the problem right now.

--- End quote ---

With all of the free passes the current administration has gotten from the press, the Libya incident is by far the most amazing free pass I've seen in my life time.

Don't get me wrong, F&F was an amazing free pass as well.  As is "Gitmo" still being open.


--- Quote from: Bucket on May 11, 2013, 02:41:56 PM ---There is nothing wrong with "talking points" in and of themselves.   All they do is provide quick concepts and reminders for people to get ideas across.  They are a tool to help people communicate.   Staff people use them to summarize and distill key points for their boss.

The trick is to make sure they are true, just like any other communication method.  It's not the medium but the message that's the problem right now.

--- End quote ---

But that is not the way they are used in politics, it happens more like this..

"We screwed up, so what are we going to tell everyone when they find out?"
"OK, if anybody asks about X our answer will be Y"
"But what if they discover the truth?"
"Then our answer will be Z"
"And if that doesn't work?"
"Just blame it on Bush, that always works! Oh and call JayZ and Beyonce, I'm going to Las Vegas"


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