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Jim Suttle ad on Gun Broker? he kidding

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i was poking around on gun broker this morning when i started hearing a Jim Suttle ad/video. is he kidding??? I almost fell out of my chair

His campaign is desperate.

I just hope people get out and vote on Tuesday.

I was looking up how to change some seals on jeep, and he's advertising on there too.


--- Quote from: RLMoeller on May 12, 2013, 03:08:04 PM ---His campaign is desperate.

I just hope people get out and vote on Tuesday.

--- End quote ---

I will vote my second amendment stance and it won't help  Jimmy.  He can join the ranks of unemployed politicians :laugh:

I made a post here recently about some trouble in my neighborhood and am happy to report that I will be moving outside of the Omaha city limits really soon. But, I still plan to vote before I leave town  ;D


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