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Jim Suttle ad on Gun Broker? he kidding

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--- Quote from: Phantom on May 14, 2013, 08:17:43 AM ---I hate to stick up for him ....but

Most likely he didn't put that ad on there.

It's more likely some service Like Google ad's that caused it
he most likely bought ad regional ad space with a service like google ad's and Gunbroker
just happens to be one who rent page ad space to them for a monthly or per regional hit fee.

Oh that left a bad taste in my mouth....

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i'm in this industry specifically and his ad agency is probably dividing up their budget to go to places like facebook, google, yahoo. Then, they display their ads on content relevant partner sites. They probably just bough 1,000,000 impressions and said, we don't care who sees them, as long as they're in the omaha metro.


--- Quote from: Gumby on May 13, 2013, 06:33:16 PM ---double Biden
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Snicker  :laugh:

Suttle must have figure out that online ads are cheaper to buy than homeless people's votes.

well now i wonder if Suttle will continue his quest for assault weapons and high cap mag ban..........or was it just a political move. if he was really serious about it he wouldn't stop just because he lost re-election. we shall


--- Quote from: 2550sx on May 15, 2013, 05:29:51 AM ---well now i wonder if Suttle will continue his quest for assault weapons and high cap mag ban..........or was it just a political move. if he was really serious about it he wouldn't stop just because he lost re-election. we shall
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That was a part of The Mayors against illegal guns campaign
Bloomburg's Money don't yea know.

If he'd won ....I bet he'd have tried to baned Softdrinks over 24 Oz and Salt


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