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Jim Suttle ad on Gun Broker? he kidding

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Since I don't live in Omaha, all that can be said is "vote early and often."

Speaking of voting early . . .  I heard last week that many requested early ballots had not been returned yet.   

Statewide last fall in Nebraska 44% of the early ballots were by D voters, 37% involved R voters, and we're heavier D here in Omaha compared to the State at large... so the poor early ballot response won't help the Mayor.  8)

Maybe when he falls tomorrow evening I can Suttlebrate by launching a double Biden off the back deck... the old Pin Oak needs trimming!


--- Quote from: Gumby on May 13, 2013, 06:33:16 PM ---Maybe when he falls tomorrow evening I can Suttlebrate by launching a double Biden off the back deck... the old Pin Oak needs trimming!

--- End quote ---

I am still in the process of waking up, but when I read that, I almost lost a mouthful of coffee :)

I hate to stick up for him ....but

Most likely he didn't put that ad on there.

It's more likely some service Like Google ad's that caused it
he most likely bought ad regional ad space with a service like google ad's and Gunbroker
just happens to be one who rent page ad space to them for a monthly or per regional hit fee.

Oh that left a bad taste in my mouth....


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