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More Disinformation from KOLN and the Nebraska State Patrol

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Mikee Loxxer:
So if I pick up M16 magazines at a gun show with such stampings and later have them found in my possession by law enforcement they can prosecute me?

Many of my used Glock magazines had Law Enforcement Only stamped on them.

Sounds like this new felon admitted to stealing from the Goverment.

Mikee Loxxer:
I posted about this new story on This prompted many of the readership there to contact the Nebraska State Patrol. Here is the response from State Patrol.

?The Nebraska Sate Patrol has received numerous contacts from members of your website in regards to a recent news story involving a vehicle checkpoint. We would like to address the situation in this email, to ensure your members are aware of the situation as it unfolded. If possible would you please post the following reply so that all of your members might view our response.

Thank you for taking the time to contact the Nebraska State Patrol with your concerns, about a recent TV news stories filmed during a fireworks checkpoint in Nemaha County, Nebraska. You are correct that the possession of magazines marked in the fashion described by many of your members are legal to possess. Our trooper made an inaccurate statement to the news crew filming the story. This was pointed out to him by his fellow officers soon afterward. This also was not a factor in the arrest of the suspect. The subject in the story was placed under arrest for DWI. The officers obtained additional information that the magazines in question had been stolen from a specific National Guard Base in Nebraska. This information has been forwarded to the local prosecutor. It will be up to the prosecutor to decide whether additional charged are filed for possession of stolen property.?

Captain Steve Ayres
Nebraska State Patrol

Edited for color, difficult to read.

Can we figure out a way for the LEOs who think they are The Only Ones to identify themselves...... some kind of extra badge or somethin' ?


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