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Author Topic: Colorado's "Carefully crafted" gun laws  (Read 740 times)

Offline GreyGeek

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Colorado's "Carefully crafted" gun laws
« on: May 21, 2013, 09:15:38 AM »
"These laws were not constructed haphazardly," said Democratic Sen. Mary Hodge, the sponsor of the magazine limit law in Colorado.     "They were constructed to protect us from massacres like the ones we suffered in Aurora and Newtown."

Carefully crafted, huh?

The other sponsor of the magazine limit had an ulterior motive for co-sponsoring it.  She "thought" that if she got laws passed that would limit the capacity of the magazines to 10 rounds,  bullets would be used up  faster and and guns owners would run out of ammo and their guns would be useless.

How would Colorado's laws protect any better than the 20,000 laws already on  the books?   Why did mass shootings increase while the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban was law, if such laws were able to protect people?  The Safe Schools Act forbids guns on school or church  property but that didn't stopped those who  had been taking SSRI's, or recently came off of them, from shooting up places where people congregate.

Why do these politicians expect different results while continuing to do the same thing over and over?    Because their desired  "result" isn't what you think it is.   Their agenda isn't protecting you, it is disarming you and nullification of the 2nd Amendment, along with several others in the Bill of Rights. if not the entire Constitution.    They have to take away your weapons so you have no recourse left when they replace Rule of Law under the Constitution with  rule by an elite group of Socialists.   You're getting a taste of what living under such people would be like with revelations of the IRS scandal, the AP phone tapping, the Benghazi cover up and who knows what else will pop up. 

When tax agents started singling out non-profit groups for extra scrutiny in 2010, they looked at first only for key words such as 'Tea Party,' but later they focused on criticisms by groups of "how the country is being run," according to investigative findings reviewed by Reuters on Sunday.


So political debate about how the country is being run, especially criticising the current administration,  will get you audited.   This rigs the debate to favor the  Left and if you object you get audited or even worse, charged with a felony for violating some obscure part of the tax code that few even know about,  much less you or your lawyer.  Try to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights if they pull that one on you.

Meanwhile, to "protect us", they have created a Constitution Free Zone that is 100 miles wide along ALL  of our borders.  Inside that zone the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments no longer exist for 1/3rd of ALL Americans.   The strange thing is that the Zone isn't able to stop the flood of illegal aliens into this country.  So, what is its real purpose?  To warm up the frog?   Will that zone be increased to 150 miles, then 200, then 250 and 300 miles, eventually dropping all pretext and making  the entire country "Constitution Free"?

So, are you still brave enough to be a member of a political or public service group that has the word "Constitution", or "Patriot" or "Freedom" in their names if you know the IRS will be auditing your application or tax returns and punishing you financially, or even fabricating a felony to punish you?  And how does that make you feel knowing that at the same time they are giving  Marxist organizations speedy approvals?

Remember, these are the same people who had to take an oath of office to "uphold  and defend the Constitution".  But, to cover up  their illegal  deeds they resort to Clinton's tactic of redefining words:


In short, according to the IRS, if you're minding your own business and the agency decides to go after you or your group,  about your taxes -- for an examination or an audit -- you've been targeted. But if you apply for your group to be a tax-exempt one and your application gets sat on for more than a year or you receive a flurry of excessive and/or illegal information requests, that's not targeting. That's what former acting IRS commissioner Steve Miller, speaking at a new Ways & Means hearing, on Friday called "horrible customer service."

IF you believe that and do nothing then you are gullible enough to deserve the government you are going to get.

Offline DangerousDrummer

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Re: Colorado's "Carefully crafted" gun laws
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 06:00:27 AM »
I have just one question.

How does one participate in a revolution if they are already in shackles?

Offline Hank

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Re: Colorado's "Carefully crafted" gun laws
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 06:03:28 PM »
   Their agenda isn't protecting you, it is disarming you and nullification of the 2nd Amendment, along with several others in the Bill of Rights. if not the entire Constitution.    They have to take away your weapons so you have no recourse left when they replace Rule of Law under the Constitution with  rule by an elite group of Socialists.   You're getting a taste of what living under such people would be like with revelations of the IRS scandal, the AP phone tapping, the Benghazi cover up and who knows what else will pop up. 

Good post GG.
The part quoted above was a good example or good point IMO.

Offline abbafandr

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Re: Colorado's "Carefully crafted" gun laws
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 06:29:54 PM »
I think it was Mencken who said: we would get the government we want and we would get it good and hard (paraphrasing).