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Author Topic: Second Amendment March update  (Read 1138 times)

Offline huskergun

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Second Amendment March update
« on: July 03, 2009, 10:46:25 AM »
What's New
National Training Week, July 4-11

The week of July 4th is being established as National Training Week, when Americans celebrate their freedom with firearms at the nation's shooting ranges. "Good Americans Are Good Marksmen." Perfect time to bring a newcomer to the range for an experience, and to exercise your freedom. Participating ranges offer free handgun rentals, special classes, go out and ask your local range to participate if they're not. (They'll probably say, "Never heard of it," that's OK, it's all described here, print it and give it to them):


Arizona Congressman John Shadegg has endorsed the idea, along with Gun Owners of America, The Second Amendment Foundation, many others, all posted at that link. You want to do something to defend your rights? Visit your range and motivate them.
Thanks to Alan Korwin of Gunlaws.com for this content.
Interviews and Articles

Skip Coryell, Second Amendment March Founder, was interviewed by Kenn Blanchard, founder of www.blackmanwithagun.com. You can listen to the podcast of Kenn's interview with Skip Coryell by going to www.blackmanwithagun.com and clicking on episode #120, or listen to the 13 minute interview-only segment here. Kenn Blanchard hosts his weekly radio show "The Urban Shooter" from his website.  You can also read Skip's article about this interview by going to http://tinyurl.com/nqqf3h.
Skip Coryell will be interviewed by Colonel Denny Gillem on "Frontlines of Freedom" radio show on July 11th, 2009. The show will be broadcast live from 6 to 7PM EST. You can listen all across the nation by going to http://www.frontlinesoffreedom.com/. They will be discussing the Second Amendment March and personal defense in an ever-changing and precarious world.
Dan White, Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner and Second Amendment March Ohio Coordinator, was interviewed on NRA Radio on June 29th.  To listen, go to http://www.nranews.com/#/news, click on "Program Archive", then click on the tab for Jun 29 and scroll down to the segment titled: "Daniel White: Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner".  Dan and Cam discuss Dan's recent article: "Don't believe the gun control lie, being prepared isn't paranoia".
New State Coordinators Announced
Second Amendment March is pleased to annouce six new state coordinators.  Note: Bio info was not available for several of the coordinators at the time of this newsletter writing.  We will have bio info available on our website soon.
Jim Tomes
is the coordinator for the Indiana State Capitol March.  He is one of the founding members of the 2nd Amendment Patriots and has been it's Director since its inception in 1999.  They were awarded the Grassroots Organization of the Year 2000 by the NRA.  Jim served 3 years in the Army, serving one year in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne

Jim Tomes

Patricia Stoneking
is the coordinator for the Kansas State Capitol March.   Patricia serves as President of the Kansas State Rifle Association (KSRA), Legislative Liaison on the Board of Directors Tri-County Rod and Gun Club and is an Advisor to the Kansas Federation of Students For Concealed Carry on Campus. The NRA has honored her with the 2008 Marion P. Hammer Woman of Distinction Award for her leadership in the firearms training industry and activism in protecting Second Amendment rights.
Patricia Stoneking
(913) 667-3044
Thomas Harvey
is the coordinator for the Tennessee State Capitol March.   
Thomas Harvey

Kevin Rufert
is the coordinator for the South Carolina State Capitol March.  Kevin is a veteran of the Iraq War.
Kevin Rufert

Jon Grove
is the coordinator for the Utah State Capitol March. Jon is a member of the NRA, lifetime member of the Ogden Club and Whasatch Shooters Association.
Jon Grove

Alan Niederlitz
is the coordinator for the Texas State Capitol March.   
Alan Niederlitz
Town Hall Meetings
Please be sure to regularly check our map on our homepage at www.SecondAmendmentMarch.com for Town Hall Meeting dates and locations.  New meetings are being added regularly.
Our newest meeting was added today.  It is scheduled for August 5, 2009 at the Western Wayne County Conservation Association (WWCCA) in Livonia, MI.
Michigan Open Carry sponsored a meeting/picnic in Traverse City last weekend.  The weather was great and the company was even better.  We had a lone protestor show up, bearing a sign that read: "Ban Assault Weapons".  Northern Michigan's channel 7/4 showed up and interviewed both Skip Coryell and Brian Jeffs (Michigan coordinator for Second Amendment March and MOC President).  The final news segment didn't mention Second Amendment March, unfortunately, but it did bring some attention to peaceful, law-abiding citizens practicing their Constitutional right.
Later that day an email was forwarded to me.  It was an e-newsletter from none other than Michael Moore.  Read about it in this newsletter...

Second Amendment Coordinator Skip Coryell in Ohio July 11

Second Amendment Coordinator Skip Coryell will be speaking at the Party in the Park, the annual family picnic of Ohioans For Concealed Carry, on Saturday July 11 held in Liberty Park, just north of Columbus. In addition to speaking about the Second Amendment March, Skip will be conducting a book signing for his book, "RKBA: Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms." There will also be Second Amendment March merchandise available for sale with all profits going to the March.

You do not need to be a member of Ohioans For Concealed Carry to attend the picnic, and all attendees are entered for various door prize including two handguns! Ticket purchase is only required for those who plan to participate in the BBQ lunch. More information:
We'll Protect You, Michael Moore!
A supporter at the Traverse City, Michigan MOC picnic forwarded an email to me after the picnic.  It was an e-newsletter from none other than filmmaker Michael Moore, who lives in Traverse City and runs his State Theatre there.  Mr. Moore opens the letter with:
"Oh, how hard it is to be faced with the choices we have this weekend in Traverse City! Do I go see that funny film everyone's talking about at the State Theatre? Or do I go to the picnic in Sunset Park where everyone will be carrying a real, live handgun? Michigan law now allows anyone to carry a gun in public as long as it's not concealed. The guns have to be visible, in their holster, and the gunowner must 'not brandish it in a threatening way.' A gun shop in town thought it would be a good idea to advertise this new law by packing the downtown public park on the bay tomorrow with people, little kids, beach balls, frisbees, Glocks and Magnums. Now THAT'S the way to convince people to come to beautiful Traverse City, Michigan!"
We've become a blip on the map!  Huzzah!
Apparently the 120+ people in attendance with their families felt safe enough.  I couldn't have imagined a safer place in the city.
The letter closes with:
"That's it from the Wild West of TC. Don't forget to wear Kevlar if you're visiting us in town tomorrow."
I suppose that would be true if TC implemented laws similar to DC that essentially create "Criminal Empowerment Zones".  Mr. Moore, there is no need to worry when law-abiding gun owners are involved.  What you should fear is the systematic disempowerment of the American People.
We cordially invite Mr. Moore to attend any Second Amendment March activity as our guest.  No Kevlar needed.

South Carolina Update: Fundraiser
Kevin Rufert, South Carolina State Coordinator for Second Amendment March, has announced a fundraiser/BBQ for Second Amendment March.
The Sportsman Inc
247 Hands Mill Highway
Rock Hill SC 29732
July 18th 2009 from 11am to 2:30pm

This is a very busy gun shop (also archery and fishing) with an indoor shooting range.
Prices TBD.  Please contact Kevin Rufert with questions, or if you would like to help with this event: SC2ndAmendment@comporium.net
Thank you to The Sportsman Inc for hosting this event!
Second Amendment March on Twitter
Second Amendment March is now on Twitter!  Twitter is a free service that allows people to stay connected via short messages, called "tweets".  Second Amendment March is utilizing this tool to provide updates and news to our supporters.
You can follow us at: http://twitter.com/2AMarch
Second Amendment March Store
Did you know that we offer Second Amendment March merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, pins, bumper stickers and more at http://store.secondamendmentmarch.com?
When you purchase items from the store, you can be assured that 100% of the money earned by Second Amendment March goes directly to supporting our second amendment rights.  The organizers of Second Amendment March are not taking any personal income from these sales -- it's strictly a fundraising effort.
 How You Can Help
There are many things you can do TODAY to make a difference for future generations:
Join our forums
spread the word
pass out flyers
set up a town hall meeting in your area
write articles for the Second Amendment March website
write to your legislators
make a donation
write to the media
Set up a Second Amendment March fundraiser in your area
Share your special skills/knowledge
wear your Second Amendment March shirt proudly
 "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."

                                --Samuel Adams
If you are receiving this email, it is because you requested to receive email updates from Second Amendment March.  We NEVER spam or send unsolicited email.
Thank you for your continued support.

Second Amendment March
 In This Issue 
National Training Week 
Interviews and Articles 
New Coordinators Announced 
Town Hall Meetings 
We'll Protect You, Michael Moore! 
South Carolina Fundraiser 
We're on Twitter 
More Ways to Help 
Did You Know?
It takes a substantial amount of money to organize an event like Second Amendment March.  Our fundraising advisors have set specific milestones that we need to meet in order to make the march happen.  Right now we are VERY short of that goal and need your help!  If you can help, please click on the Contribute Now button above to donate via our secured donation page.  Thank you! 
Our Mission
The mission of the Second Amendment March is to galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans; to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation; and to remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self defense.
It is the one right that protects
all others.
We will accomplish our mission by a centralized, peaceful march in Washington DC, the United States Capitol, supported by satellite marches to State Capitols and other cities all across America.

CCWTargets.com  is offering Second Amendment March combo packs, with a portion of every purchase being donated to Second Amendment March. 

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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson.