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Final Rock Your Glock match this year July 18th

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Thanks for the offer Chris, that is really cool of you, but really, all we would really need I guess is a case to put stuff in while we are there and maybe a couple extra G17 mags. I shoot better with my 1911, but I could carry my Glock like I usually do in my concealment holster on the way there and wear a jacket to throw some ammo in. I could wear my eyes on the bike, and maybe I could roll my ears up in the sweatshirt I keep bungeed to my triple trees.

Kim is a revolver girl, but she doesn't really enjoy the competition thing, but I will talk to her and let you know what we finally decide.

Thanks again for the offer, but we will enjoy ourselves just as much signing people up for the NFOA and mingling.

Dan W:
I hear them chest rigs are good for hauling some mags and ammo ;D

Jay, this is a KLR650, but I'm sure you could whip up something similar for the Hog.
Plenty of storage, and it should be an LB430-approved CCW storage compartment.  ;D

Can you say 20mm ammo can?

Rick knows how to haul lots of things on his "HAWG". He took a trip a few years ago hauling a briefcase and I found a pic from back then.

Aren't you gonna leave me a tip, Rick?

The beemer is full of gas, and ready to roll out the barn door at 5:30 in the morning, see you guys around 8.


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