General Categories > Shooting Sports

Final Rock Your Glock match this year July 18th

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Chris Z:
You can show up to sign up and shoot any time between 8am and no later than noon!!!

We have to be off the range no later than 1pm

I will have a lot going on, having to do the stats at the range during the match to finalize the winners so we can draw for the pistol in the afternoon. Would like it if you could make it down!

I will be there, any chance we can set up a table to sign up members for NFOA?

Chris Z:
There is an extra shooting bench right next to where we do registrations, if you want to man it....... It is all yours! I have too many other things to worry about with the match, but would love to have you there signing people up!

Consider it done. Anyone want to help or have a banner I can use?

Dan W:
I can help after I shoot. The NFOA banner was just being ordered, so no banner for this event. I can print some flyers  and I will still have some NFOA stickers available for a donation, but the pile is getting low


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