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Advice on Teaching Toddler Gun Safety

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Some good post and suggestions thus far; I particularly like the first reply from Bucket and having that frank discussion with dad. I have a feeling daddy loves his little girl too, and he maybe needs to reflect for just a moment on the severity of consequence if he chooses to be irresponsible :angry:
Given your comments in the first post in regards to having respect w/out being over fearful, makes me feel like you are a fairly `smart cookie` I hope dad shows a little responsibility and smarts too.
Even at the age of 11 & 13 yrs. old now, I generally keep all firearms and ammo locked up. My kids know the dangers of firearms and that they are `hands off` without me being present, and that if they ever want to handle (or shoot) said firearms then all they need to do is ask. Nowadays I am more weary of some of the friends my kids might have over, and their curiosity, so more than ever they are behind locked doors and safe.


--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on May 24, 2013, 03:07:18 PM ---Children's ability to comprehend abstract concepts like death and danger at the age of two is very limited.  The Eddie Eagle program is about the best thing for kids of that age.  It's very simply and straight-forward.

Don't touch!
Leave the area!
Tell an adult.

The NFOA has some Eddie Eagle materials that I would be happy to mail to you if you'd like to message me with your address.  I would recommend reading through the materials with your daughter on a fairly frequent basis - maybe if you have story time before bed.

--- End quote ---

I'll give this another +1 for the age group in question.

Michella, I'll try to get the materials out to you early next week.

Cathy Jackson writes a blog called The Cornered Cat.  It's all about gun issues related to kids and women.  It may be little old for your daughter but she has some excellent advice.

Michella, good for you for asking questions about keeping your daughter safe.
Don't let any comments here get you down or upset, just keep reading and asking and learning, and always trust your intuition.


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