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The Day My Wife Was Kidnapped

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About 15 years ago, around 9pm, my wife walks into our business with a look of bewilderment.  First off, she had headed home hours ago, to our acreage outside Hickman.  I last saw her around 5pm when she went to do some shopping before going home.

When she got home, two men approached her car, and asked her for a ride to town.  Frightened, she did not know what to do, so she agreed. 

She let them out not far from our business.  She was unharmed, and she never saw any weapons.

I quickly called the police, who found the house they went into, and were arrested.  Arrested for what?  They had ran from a police stop at Stagecoach Lake, over drinking beer in the park.  They ran to our house, and my wife was their get-a-way vehicle.

Kidnapping charges?  Nope.  The police felt my wife did not do enough complaining, struggling or protesting, and that she was somewhat a willing participant, and they dropped everything except the beer ticket they ran away from.

I tell this story, to let everyone be on guard for men that might approach you.  You never know what they may want, or what might happen next.


--- Quote from: Gary on May 24, 2013, 05:28:39 PM ---About 15 years ago, around 9pm, my wife walks into our business with a look of bewilderment.  First off, she had headed home hours ago, to our acreage outside Hickman.  I last saw her around 5pm when she went to do some shopping before going home.

When she got home, two men approached her car, and asked her for a ride to town.  Frightened, she did not know what to do, so she agreed. 

She let them out not far from our business.  She was unharmed, and she never saw any weapons.

I quickly called the police, who found the house they went into, and were arrested.  Arrested for what?  They had ran from a police stop at Stagecoach Lake, over drinking beer in the park.  They ran to our house, and my wife was their get-a-way vehicle.

Kidnapping charges?  Nope.  The police felt my wife did not do enough complaining, struggling or protesting, and that she was somewhat a willing participant, and they dropped everything except the beer ticket they ran away from.

I tell this story, to let everyone be on guard for men that might approach you.  You never know what they may want, or what might happen next.

--- End quote ---
Sometimes the stories you tell just don't seem normal to me.


--- Quote from: Bucket on May 24, 2013, 10:25:19 PM ---Sometimes the stories you tell just don't seem normal to me.

--- End quote ---

Is that your way of saying, sure glad she got away OK, or now that she has a CHP, she can better protect herself? 


--- Quote from: Gary on May 25, 2013, 01:12:05 AM ---
Is that your way of saying, sure glad she got away OK, or now that she has a CHP, she can better protect herself? 

--- End quote ---
I'm saying I put this in the category of you're one-handed Glock breakdown/ziploc baggie storage and your CCW certification.  I'm sure there's a story there, but I'm not sure what we are getting is the undistorted picture.

I'm certainly glad she's okay. 

Did I miss a part of the story? They asked for a ride and she agreed. Was it at gunpoint?

**Just answered my question - saw the part about didn't see any weapons.


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