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Quotes to live by.

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--- Quote from: armed and humorous on August 25, 2009, 05:26:06 AM ---If it feels good, do it.


--- End quote ---

I dislike that one.  A LOT.   I understand that Heroin feels good....... I'm not about to do that.

armed and humorous:
Don't go thinking I'm a druggie now, but there are a lot of people who feel the same way about drugs that you do about guns, i.e. the government should have no say in the matter.  My quote was meant to lighten the mood a little, as things seemed to be getting seriously boring.  See my sig.

Blah, Blah, Blah.   ::)

I dislike that one also Jim P.

A&H, you hardly look like one (a druggy(drugee?))...... but that quote stinks.  If the only reason to do do something was if it felt good...... mankind would be to busy masturbating to accomplish much of anything.....


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