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Real Camping

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I didn't realize they had shelters like that at Indian Cave.  What part of the park were you in, CitizenClark?

i just disappear along the creeks down home for a day or two. scares the family cuz i usually don't tell them where i am lol.


--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on June 03, 2013, 05:25:11 PM ---I didn't realize they had shelters like that at Indian Cave.  What part of the park were you in, CitizenClark?

--- End quote ---

All of those pictures (other than the ones of St. Deroin) are in the eastern half of the park. Some of those shelters are on the south side, off of "hardwood trail," and one of them (the one with all the holes and a piece of the wall missing) is on the north side, closer to the river. Here is a scan of the park map, with the approximate locations of trailside shelters indicated:

I really like camping at Indian Cave because those trailside shelters mean that I don't have to carry a tent.

Thanks, CitizenClark!

Thanks all.

We ended up at Niobrara...wasn't 100% of what I was looking for (wanted to do a couple mile hike in, find a camp spot rather than designated spots), but it had most of what I wanted.

Niobrara was nice, great privacy and beautiful areas (except the ticks, they are out in force this year, so guard your pets).  It was great temperatures too...during the day... at night it was pretty frigid.

Even managed to get my wife to go fishing...only made one catch and sadly it was too small to keep, but it was fun.


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