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Real Camping

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There are several backpack only sites at Indian Cave state park.  My son and I went there a few times a while back.  The only downside is there is no water nearby.  You pack it in with you and/or walk to find it and carry it back.

Niobrara might be the main choice I guess....

Anyone know about water supplies at Hitchcock area just across the river?

Most any of the Wildlife Management Areas are fair game, so to speak, for primitive camping.



--- Quote from: CitizenClark on June 03, 2013, 12:26:49 PM ---I have camped at Indian Cave State Park every spring for the last three years. My first trip was really just glorified car camping, but I have backpacked there the last two years.

Here are my photo albums from each trip:

There is actually a water pump on the west side of the park, though the water it provides is a little rusty. I hiked to it last year when I ran out of water. This year my main problem with water was that my reservoir line froze. :)

This year the only other folks I saw were Boy Scouts. I've never had anyone walk into my campsite during any of my trips there. I imagine that the place is a lot busier during prime camping time in the summer, though.

--- End quote ---
Nice pics.  Son and I made two visits.  First was summer and it was HOT.  We were on the SE side of the park, so we wound up hiking down to the river to get more water which we then purified.  I'm still not sure how healthy it was, but I seem to have survived.  The last time we went was over a Thanksgiving weekend and there was plenty of snow on the ground so we didn't have to go too far to get water.  Kid is gone to college now, so I don't have my camping buddy any more.


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