Ammunition & Hand Loading > General Ammunition Discussion

8MM Mauser availability

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Yeah, I saw that.  Craziness.

Jay, ya just gotta roll yer own................ I have a Butcherized Gew. 88 that I handload for......... the barrel has been hacked off to 18 1/2 inches, so typical loads given in manuals make for HUGE muzzle blast. It isn't so much a rifle as a flame thrower.........

Taking into consideration the weaker steel and action of the 88 Mauser, I can only get 30/30 performance levels out of it, but it's fun to shoot............

Chad McCumbers:
There is plenty of 8x57 available.  The stuff from Prvi Partizan is nice, reloadable ammo that is more than cheap enough for bolt gun use.  The Wolf is also good.  Yugo surplus is the best for bolt guns, the Rom is also quite good if you can find it.

Speaking of Romanian surplus 8x57, if anyone finds any or has some to sell please let me know.  I have an MG42 to feed and it only likes the Rom or original German ammo.



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