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Wish me luck....

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my wife and i decided to go to Chicago for a few days coming up.  we'll be staying at a really nice hotel and watching a Cub's game and doing other stuff.  however, i will not be able to CC or carry a knife over 2.5".

wish me luck.....

NE Bull:
May the Force be with you.

And just remember if you puke on them and pee yourself, the bad guys will go away.   ???

As for the missus, she can run away as they are laughing at you!  :laugh: :laugh:

I spent three days earlier this year in a nasty part of South Chicago.  The place I was working at had a security guard escort their female employees to their cars at night even though the parking lot was within spitting distance.  I somehow managed to leave the keys unlocked in a brand new Dodge Charger rental car and it was still there that night.  I should have bought a lottery ticket.

well we've been back for about a day or two.  i can say that we made it safely there and back.  Chicago was an experience... an experience in how to spend money.  parking for less than 2 days was $86, no valet, just parking in the hotel parking garage.  food and tolls were also very spendy.  good thing we saved our money before going.  we went to a Cubs game, visited the "Bean", Field Museum and did a bunch of other small things.  and for awhile, i will not curse parking in Lincoln, unless its a Husker football game day.

NE Bull:
Glad you made it back safe, RobertH


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