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Wish me luck....

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Chicago is on my  list of places I never want to visit again.

I flew to Chicago on a business trip.  When I arrived at the private aviation airport on the north side of town I contacted the tower and got landing instructions.  I entered the base leg of the landing pattern, had full flaps and idle throttle.  The speed was trimmed to 65 knots.  I was about 100 feet above the runway and about 300 feet from touchdown when a twin engine Bonanza, which was behind me on the downwind leg,  with no radio traffic, tower permission or warning, made a steep diving u-turn in front of me and levelled out 25 feet above the runway  and about 100 feet in front of me.  The tower shouted for me to go around.  It was a fine, crop-dusting piece of flying, though.   I did a go around and on the next down leg exactly the same thing happened again!

Again I did a go-around.  But, this time I didn't reduce throttle, or put in flaps.  I dove at the runway like I was going to strafe it!  It was only as I flared three feet off the runway that I idled the engine, started putting in flaps and pushed hard  on the yoke to keep the Skyhawk from climbing.    Call it "air-braking".   That's how you land in Chicago.  Thankfully, my flight instructor trained me for it.

The FAA apparently doesn't visit Chicago or the tower folks are too afraid of certain folks to report them.  The first guy who butted in parked his aircraft with the nose sticking out of the line by about 3 or 4 feet, deliberately.   When he and his body guard walked by me he was had a sneering smile on his face.   Classic goon.

NE Bull:
Geek, did you flash them some "Universal Sign Language"?? 

It was probably Mayor Daley's private plane.....

Greygeek, the Texans have a phrase for it. " Some folks just need killin".  A strong pair of hands around the offending throat would have done the job nicely, I'm thinking!!!!


--- Quote from: Greybeard on July 11, 2013, 07:03:26 AM ---A strong pair of hands around the offending throat would have done the job nicely, I'm thinking!!!!
--- End quote ---

I was 6'6" and weighed 240 lbs at the time, but his body guard looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger.    I wasn't going to push my luck. :D


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