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Pro-Am at ENGC this Sunday! (June 30th)


PRO-AM match this Sunday! 

Centerfire handgun, from the holster, be able to carry lots of magazines.

Two divisions:
Open -- if you have an optic or a compensator, you are in Open
Limited -- everything else!

Magazines may only contain 10 rounds after the start signal (yes, even the Open guys) so yes you are going to have to reload.

These stages are a little different.  You'll have the run-and-gun aspects of USPSA action pistol matches, with the fun of everything being reactive steel (no paper at all, and all steel must fall for score) --- but each stage also has a PAR TIME.

In other words, once the buzzer goes off, you have a limited amount of time to knock down as much steel as you possibly can.  There are no penalties for steel left standing--your entire score for the stage is the number of steel targets that are knocked over.  That's it.  (And no, there are no calibration calls.)  You want to win the match?  Knock over the most steel in all the stages combined in the same amount of time that every one else gets!  (And don't shoot after the par time, otherwise not only do you not get a points for any steel you might have knocked over, but you lose a point!)

This is based on the national-level Pro-Am match, so if you want to see what this looks like (though not the level we can manage!) take a look:

(One overtime shot, I think!)

(We don't shoot that fast, so don't be discouraged!)

Match setup starts at7:15am---please come out and help!  Registration closes at 8:40, with the safety briefing for new shooters starting at that time.  Match meeting at 9am, and we'll start shooting right after that.  $15 for the match, so come on out and have fun shooting!

Looking forward to my first one.  Good excuse get a chance for more reloads.  See you at 7:15 :D

That was a seriously good time!

Good seeing the rest of you out there, too----54 shooters were at the match today.

Results are up:


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