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Happy Independence Day!


My fellow Pro 2nd Amendment advocates, we all know that our Country is currently being redefined by the Administration...but today, I also feel a great resurgence in sense of pride in our great history. My Flag is on display and the fireworks are safely put up until tonight.

For all that everyone here has done to protect our rights...thank you! For everything that we will have to do in the future, again, in advance, thank you!

But for today, celebrate our small victories and remember our past. Happy Independence Day America!

Happy 4th of July everyone.

Awesome song Phantom! Thanks for posting it!

I found this one too, but I hang my head in shame for not knowing that there has always been a second verse!

Happy Independence Day to you too Cliff! Even though our nation is some times divided it's days like today that can really bring us together, a day not shrouded in horror or a crisis but in liberty and freedom!

Cheers America! 237 and counting...


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