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Exploding targets

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Anyone know a local place to get tannerite?

Or better yet, get the ingredients? I'm hoping it will be cheaper to make it myself, not to mention more fun and customizable targets.

Scheels sells it.  Cabelas at one point and may still sell star (different brand same thing) targets.

Yeah, I should have said besides yes they do have them and I can get i at a discount there...but I was wanting to compare prices.

I am also really interested in ingredients to see if it is worth while to make it myself or purchase premade.

Just be careful that you don't run into problems with manufacturing an explosive device.  130 milligrams or more will get you into potential felony problems. (28-1213)  If not properly licensed, buying approved pre-manufactured material is the way to go.


--- Quote from: ProtoPatriot on July 09, 2013, 11:01:57 PM ---Or better yet, get the ingredients? I'm hoping it will be cheaper to make it myself, not to mention more fun and customizable targets.
--- End quote ---

It's cheaper to make it your self.  The  forumla is 95% powdered Ammonium Nitrate with 5% powdered Aluminium.    The components have to be mixed on site.  It is illegal in Nebraska to transport them already mixed.   You can get the makings from Amazon.


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