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Exploding targets

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the "recipes" can be found online on various sites.  every time i used an exploding target i got a fire, so i pretty much stopped using them.  and follow the rules (transporting, etc), its not worth getting busted over.

Well, I was looking more locally, get tired of mail order so much...not to mention trying to return to a more cash based life and strip plastic out.

Also would like to support a small local company rather than a large company.

As for getting fires when using tannerite...well yeah, of course, it's an explosion, that will always be a risk/possibility to occur with any explosion...always have a fire extinguisher and even more so try to use it near water.

Chris C:

--- Quote from: sidearm1 on July 10, 2013, 06:26:56 AM ---Just be careful that you don't run into problems with manufacturing an explosive device.  130 milligrams or more will get you into potential felony problems. (28-1213)  If not properly licensed, buying approved pre-manufactured material is the way to go.

--- End quote ---

Are you sure it's milligrams?  Doing an online conversion 130 milligrams converts to 0.000286601 pounds which pounds is what some of the tannerite is sold in.  But the pre-manufactured stuff is ok even though it's more than the 130 milligrams?


--- Quote from: Chris C on July 10, 2013, 05:48:05 PM ---Are you sure it's milligrams?  Doing an online conversion 130 milligrams converts to 0.000286601 pounds
--- End quote ---

Sidearm1 is correct.    And, I might add, Tannerite is powerful.  Although it has only half the Relative Effectiveness of TNT, one would be foolish to treat it like a 4th  of July firecracker.  A pound of it would create a shock wave that could be dangerous within 10 to 15 feet.

Yes, powerful and fun as hell...hence why I want to find a cheaper way to do it.

Tannerite is weak compared to some of the stuff I have played with in the past.

And what is with everyone always focusing on how dangerous something can be? The most important things anyone will ever do in their lives are dangerous and they are often the most difficult (not that this is important, but it sure is fun). Things that are truly worthwhile are simply dangerous and never easy.

Danger just means so little.

There are way too many safety nets....most need to be eliminated (specifically anything government ran).


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